Thursday 10 March 2016

Conclusions, Recommendations and Possible Solutions:

In the nutshell, here comes that negative behavior arise due to the atmosphere in which employees work in an organisation, and when the climate of the organisation is negative due to fraudulent employees, who commit crimes like theft, disclosure of any company plan accomplished to success and growth, absenteeism or lateness, etc. In order to cover negative behavior, the organisation should focus on individual behavior along with organisational behavior,, which automatically will improve organisational atmosphere, as when managers tries to satisfy their employees than employees tend to work harder, efficiently and effectively for the organisation, to achieve organisational as well as personal goals. To avoid aggressive and dishonest tendencies in the organisations, organisations should focus on creating fair work environment. Through  positive work environment employees tend to be more innovative and actively takes part in decision making process, which is beneficial for the organisation to achieve success more adequately. To achieve long-term success in a competitive world, it is vital for the organisations to avoid as much negative atmosphere in the organisation, and develop as much positive atmosphere in the workplace for long-term growth and success, as it is necessary for the survival of the organisations.
Recommendations and Solutions:
In order to achieve objectives, management should create harmony in the organisation instead of conflicts, which always lead to inappropriate atmosphere at the workplace. There should be proper discussion between all the three levels of the organisation, the top level, the middle level and the lower level, the top level management should make decisions in accordance to lower level management and workers, as the output is created by employees and workers, and decisions should be made so that it should become easy for the workers to complete work efficiently and effectively.
Secondly, to achieve success, management should put all the norms and decisions together, so as to get better results, and should specifically mention about these norms and principles, moreover all the levels of the management need to follow those principles, to achieve success. Apart from it, organisation should set the norms by keeping in mind employee satisfaction.
Thirdly, managers should keep a frequent check on employees while hiring, as they should know about the employee background. The management should keep a check on employees behavior in the organisation, whether they are behaving properly with their colleagues, whether they are respecting them, especially the women.
Last but not the least, organisation should make their strategies of attaining goals clear to their employees so that employees can adapt the strategies and perform well in their tasks, moreover making better strategies and sharing them with the employees lead to achieve success financially.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Roles of Positive and Negative Group Behavior

Task Role:
Task roles depends on the way individuals behaves in an organisation while performing a task in a team. As few individuals are useful and strong, while others tend to be worried and completing their work. There are few roles with which success of the company depends.
  1. Initiator: It helps employees to make new decisions for the company's initiative, moreover it helps them improve their creativity. It gives the colleagues the new way of approaching the organisational goals.
  2. Elaborator: The person who elaborates everything in a simple and understandable manner with suitable and relevant examples, and data. 
  3. Information Seeker: The information seeker always gains the information, as he is the person who collects the data to provide it to company and gain success for the company.
  4. Coordinator: Coordinator is the one who fulfills all the resources needed for the organisation, to accomplish desired objectives in efficient and effective manner.
  5. Procedural Technician: Facilitates all the supplies needed for all the meetings and have a look around for each and everything to be perfect for effective accomplishment.
  6. Energizer: Have look on group members to remain concentrated and takes care of what is needed for the group to remain attentive and stimulates the group to take further action.
Roles of Positive Group Behavior:
These roles concentrate on positive behavior in a group:
  1. Encouragement: Employees supports each other in each and every work, for a specific achievement. It lead to positive attitude.
  2. Harmonizer: Creating a positive attitude at workplace is very important, it can only happen when there is harmony among employees rather then conflicts and negativity. Creating harmony in the workplace, reduces tension, moreover positive attitude occurs when using humor in the organisation. 
  3. Compromise: When an employee tends to compromise with others than it shows that he or she is trying to deal the situation positively, and trying to do good for the group.
  4. Follower: Follower is a person who acts as listener instead of being a contributor. He or she takes decision with regards to others, what everyone want him or her to do for the betterment of the organisation.
Roles of Negative Group Behavior:
These roles throws light on negative behavior in a group:
  1. Aggressor: The person who uses the most rude and insulting comments on other's ideas, or reacts aggressively all the time, while working with colleagues, or attending a group meeting.
  2. Self-Confessor: A person who always relates his work with his or her personal life, while working in the organisation, or having a group conversation with others. For example: when two of his colleagues were fighting, he relates it to his and his wife's fight, and confess it in front of everyone, due to which other tends to react awkwardly.
  3. Dominating: In an organisation there is always a person who has a dominating nature, and always try to dominate others by showing off his or her knowledge to others, moreover he or she tries to monopolize by showing that he or she has better solutions or plans.
  4. Help Seeker: A person who always acts as a sympathy gainer and tries to act inadequately, helpless and always shows others that he or she can't help with other stuff as he or she is being busy with his or her own stuff.

Causes and Benefits of Positive and Negative Group Behavior:

Causes of Negative Behavior:
While there are number of reasons why individuals indulge in negative behavior in the workplace. the main cause of negative behavior are the employees working in an organisation, as all the work in the organisation depends on the employees honesty and their effective and efficient work. When there is negativity in workplace than there is lack of critical opinions, strategic thoughts and creative ideas.
There are several causes of Negative Behavior in an organisation:

  1. Old Culture: The main cause behind the negative behavior of employees is the old culture of  the organisation. An organisation's way of life mirrors the confidence of it;s kin, and the choices, interchanges, errors, and triumphs that an organisation encounters over a drawn of stretch of time. Executing a noteworthy corporate society change  is  one of the hardest difficulty. Frequently, senior managers who have been working in the organisation for the years, practice strongly, the cultural patterns. 
  2. Lack of Accountability: While working in an organisation, it's important for the employees to be honest and accountable to the managers. For this situation, leaders, managers and team members must be honest with each other, moreover there should be proper communication between all of them. Due to lack of honesty negative behavior tends to increase more frequently than others. By examining, and assessing the energy to be disrupted, administration and workers can grow together the important arrangements. 
  3. Round here Thinking: It is characterized as a conviction that a particular arrangement, solution and plan will not work here. It won't work here, because in this attitude, "here" is remarkable, and distinctive and does not work like any "there" on the planet.
Benefits of Positive Behavior:
An inspirational mentality in the working environment helps representatives to achieve tasks faster and in better manner. When there is positive attitude between colleagues and their managers, then positive and good relationships are built among them.
There are several benefits of having positive attitude in an organisation:

  1. Career Success: Representatives achievement in the working environment is measured through their execution. Representatives with an uplifting state of mind will dependably consider approaches to fulfilling their tasks in a well manner, rather than complaining and making excuses for not performing. This outcomes in achievement either through advancement or expanded remuneration. 
  2. Productivity: With positive attitude in the workplace, employees tend to produce more of better quality that too with minimum errors. This lead to better output with increased productivity.
  3. Team Work: Positive attitude in the workplace helps the employees to improve efficiency and work effectively, moreover it helps employees to praise each other's competencies. Apart from this, team work always lead to company's success and growth.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Group Behaviors in Organizations and their Impacts in Workplace:

Positive and Negative Behavior in workplace 

Organizational norms includes languages, principles, expected behaviors and postulations that are required for an organization to follow. When these norms are not followed properly in an organization then the consequences are hard to bear, moreover it affects all the three levels which also includes, process of decision making, productivity and financial costs. Negative behavior in an organization can act as hindrance in achieving organisational goals, moreover it can affect on company's financial well-being. A negative behavior in an organisation is subconscious, as it may include, sexual harassment, vandalism, rumor spreading and corporate sabotage, otherwise unusual behavior can also affect the business. Negative behavior in an organisation can occur due to employees not following manager's instructions properly, such as arriving late in the office, disobeying manager, intentionally slowing down the work cycle, committing fraudulent activities or not respecting the co-workers.
Throwing some light on Positive Behavior, Positive Behavior is well defined as," Intentional practices that withdraw from the standards of a referent gathering in good ways". As organisations do not allow the employees to behave positively in the organisation, but sometimes behaving positively within the organisation lead to success for the company. Positive behavior may include innovative behavior, noncompliance with dysfunctional directives and criticizing incompetent superiors. The following picture describes how to create Positive Atmosphere in the workplace.


There are several impacts of positive and negative behaviors in an organisation. As the impact of negative behavior is souring out of control. 95% of companies are reporting fraudulent activities by their employees, up to 75% of employees indulge in such fraudulent activities, like theft, disclosure of company's share, or any plan to other companies, computer fraud, absenteeism, embezzlement, etc. 
Negative Impact:
Negative behavior such as absenteeism, withdrawal, withholding effort, and behaviors that lead to corporate inequality affects a lot in organisation to achieve success. 
Sometimes the organisational atmosphere matters a lot in employee's behavior, when the organisational climate is negative than employees tend to behave rudely, and disrespectfully. The following figure generates some negative impacts:
Positive Impact:
Positive impact comes from the positive atmosphere in the organisation, when there is good communication between employees and managers, than there positive impact of behavior in the organisation. When manager indulge their employees in decision making process, than better ideas generate which for company as well as employee's benefit as employees knows what is beneficial for them to achieve success efficiently and effectively. The following figure generates some positive impacts:
This video shows the impact of negative and positive behavior in the organisation:

Saturday 5 March 2016

Introduction: An Overview on Group Behavior

Group Behavior refers to when and how people behave in different situations in different groups whether large or small. As participating in group discussions improves innovation, leads to achievement, moreover it provides companionship, survival and security. There are few common requirements:

  1. Interdependence
  2. Social Interaction
  3. Perception of a Group
  4. Commonality of Purpose
  5. Favoritism

How Groups Influence Individual Behavior

Individual behavior is affected by both positive and negative implications. There are three key phenomena by which group behavior is influenced: Group Think, Group Shift and deindividuation. Group Think is when people are more focused on smooth and quick decisions, moreover people overlook for more options to achieve. Group Shift is in which initial position of people are shifted towards a more extreme position. Deindividuation is when people does what other group members does, and let go off all self-consciousness and control.

Group Behavior and Conflicts

Achieving organisational goals is the common goal of all members of group. Group effectiveness is affected by various factors:
  • Group Cohesiveness - This means how all the members get along and share their views.
  • Interdependence - This means when members depends on each other to reach their goals.
  • Composition - The type of people in the group.
  • Size - This means how many people are there in a group.
  • Context and Resources - The resources group is having to reach their specific goals.
  • Members Ability - This means how much members have ability to perform in a group and provide their innovative ideas.
  • Norms - How group members behave with each other and their attitude towards each other.

Potential Problems

There are many problems that can arise from group structure:
  • Polarization: This happens when attitude of people change towards risky and conservative positions.
  • Social Loafing: This means when individuals do not participate in any group efforts, and are  not contributing their share in the group efforts, thinking others will do their part.
  • Group Think: To have agreement on agreement, critical thinking is sacrificed by the group members.


Conflicts occurs in every group unless or until group think occurs. People deal differently with conflicts.

Conflicts can occur, in order to complete their tasks there is competition for resources, when people depends on others. Moreover when there are misunderstandings and ambiguity regarding something. 
Conflicts can be of two types:
  • Functional Conflicts - It supports and improves the group performance.
  • Dysfunctional Conflicts - It blocks bunch execution.