Sunday 6 March 2016

Group Behaviors in Organizations and their Impacts in Workplace:

Positive and Negative Behavior in workplace 

Organizational norms includes languages, principles, expected behaviors and postulations that are required for an organization to follow. When these norms are not followed properly in an organization then the consequences are hard to bear, moreover it affects all the three levels which also includes, process of decision making, productivity and financial costs. Negative behavior in an organization can act as hindrance in achieving organisational goals, moreover it can affect on company's financial well-being. A negative behavior in an organisation is subconscious, as it may include, sexual harassment, vandalism, rumor spreading and corporate sabotage, otherwise unusual behavior can also affect the business. Negative behavior in an organisation can occur due to employees not following manager's instructions properly, such as arriving late in the office, disobeying manager, intentionally slowing down the work cycle, committing fraudulent activities or not respecting the co-workers.
Throwing some light on Positive Behavior, Positive Behavior is well defined as," Intentional practices that withdraw from the standards of a referent gathering in good ways". As organisations do not allow the employees to behave positively in the organisation, but sometimes behaving positively within the organisation lead to success for the company. Positive behavior may include innovative behavior, noncompliance with dysfunctional directives and criticizing incompetent superiors. The following picture describes how to create Positive Atmosphere in the workplace.


There are several impacts of positive and negative behaviors in an organisation. As the impact of negative behavior is souring out of control. 95% of companies are reporting fraudulent activities by their employees, up to 75% of employees indulge in such fraudulent activities, like theft, disclosure of company's share, or any plan to other companies, computer fraud, absenteeism, embezzlement, etc. 
Negative Impact:
Negative behavior such as absenteeism, withdrawal, withholding effort, and behaviors that lead to corporate inequality affects a lot in organisation to achieve success. 
Sometimes the organisational atmosphere matters a lot in employee's behavior, when the organisational climate is negative than employees tend to behave rudely, and disrespectfully. The following figure generates some negative impacts:
Positive Impact:
Positive impact comes from the positive atmosphere in the organisation, when there is good communication between employees and managers, than there positive impact of behavior in the organisation. When manager indulge their employees in decision making process, than better ideas generate which for company as well as employee's benefit as employees knows what is beneficial for them to achieve success efficiently and effectively. The following figure generates some positive impacts:
This video shows the impact of negative and positive behavior in the organisation:

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